Head of the program SFPN
Administrative assistant
- Office opening hours
The office is open from Tuesday to Friday from 8h15 to 11h45 and 14h to 16h
Remote work: Monday from 8h to 16h30, reachable by email
- Where?
Office 24.25.227 (tower 25, second floor, corridor 24-25, office 227)
- Contacts
Email (administrative assistant) : yanny.dicot@ufr-info-p6.jussieu.fr
Email (administrative assistant and head of program): sciences-master-info-sfpn@listes.sorbonne-universite.fr
- School office contact
Tel. : 01 44 27 35 65
- Signature of emails
Your emails need to be signed with your first name, family name, and student number. nom, votre prénom et votre numéro d’étudiant.
Student email address
From mid-October, all emails will be sent to you on your student email address. Make sure to read it every day. Recently, there have been problems with email reception: please do not redirect your Sorbonne Université emails to another personal address of yours.